I’m here to tell you, it really sucks cleaning up after these nano-jerkoffs in the Bio-Engineering Department. But keeping a close eye on them is a critical part of the primary mission. Still, it’s bile-on-rye every time I have to scrub down the Neuroprosthetic Lab. That includes pulling the poop trays out from under a colony of caged rats living in a state of fecal urgency here, their beady eyes looking up at me with mortal fear or unfounded hope.
Ghandi said:
“human evolution can be measured by how well we treat our animals.”
Notice he didn’t say “how well we treat each other.” I think he knew better. Hell, look what happened to him.
Which leads to the burning question: why do you burn all your sages? Your wise men? Your spiritual Goddesses?
Because transcendence runs counter to the program. It’s a security breach within the cellular dark matter – a viable threat that morphogenetically triggers your default setting, pulling you back to square one.
Simpy put: from a social-evolutionary standpoint you’re all still running on Dos.
As for these rats stuck in the cage, running the maze… are they any different from you? Be honest now: do you ever feel caged within an unconscious self-construct? Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running through a monopolized maze, bouncing off walls of fear and desire toward some never-ending achievement, acquisition, or acknowledgment?
Or have you decided to just roll up in a corner and die?
I see here on Professor BC’s desk some clinical trial data for a new brain implant that’s supposed to repair neuro-deficits caused by stroke, dementia, and brain trauma. The device apparently mimics the firing pattern of neurons (CA1/CA3 signals) in the hippocampus. Downright amazing, huh?
Yeah, no doubt… bio-engineering is the brave new world. A faster, cleaner, more efficient way to evolve than simply being nice to animals. Or each other.
But from the “Unified” point of view, the science is flawed from the get-go. Why’s that? Because the focus is on a MERGER between nanotech and the human mind/body – whereas the focus should be on an EXTRACTION from the human mind/body! Instead of jonesing for an upgrade, your resident geniuses should be wading into the dark matter of your cellular intelligence and giving the corners a good scrubbing down!
I don’t mean to be egocentric about this… but you, dear human, damn well should be.