I’ll assume you know your ABC’s. But what about your GMOs? More specifically, your rBGMs and IFG-1s?
There’s a whole other alphabet out there bombarding your brain and internal organs with foul vowels and subversive consonant groupings – an unspoken language of culinary enslavement that, under the guise of ending crop failure and world hunger, is turning a slew of you into fast-food junkies, diabetic zombies and walking carcinomas.
GMOs: Genetically modified foods. You’ve heard of them. It’s code for food that sucks. Yet, GMOs are at the center of a brave new world over here in the Food Science Department. The tidal shift began when Geneticists started mapping THE GENOME, your biological source code, at which point Big Pharma and Big Agra jumped in, funding and plundering to fulfill their agendas, with very little government interference.
As I was taking a break from sweeping up the loose seeds around here in the hybridization lab, I happened to steal a glance at some ARS data sitting on the Professor’s desk. As expected, most of the ongoing experiments in the Department are being co-funded by the USDA and your usual Big Agra suspects – Monsanto, Tyson, Conagra, etc. And at the moment this particular upper graduate Botany Class is busy breaking down the genome for… WTF?! The cocoa plant?! You mean you’re all going to be eating Snickers bars made from genetically-modified chocolate?!
Chocolate… The food of the Gods. I’m not sure if I should post this news on my bit-string channel. Too depressing. No doubt the FDA is waiting in the wings to rubber stamp their approval of this travesty, after which there’ll likely be a PR campaign from the Biotech Industry lauding the new GMO plant as highly-resistant to sudden frosts and bugs like the Cocoa Pod Borer.
Pod Borers. Cripes… Do you know what bugs are used to split the genome of a cocoa plant?
To alter its genetic profile? How about a bacterium like E.coli? Or a virus called the Cauliflower Mosiac (CalMV)? Or a toxin known as Bt? And all of these nasty catalysts require heavy doses of pesticides to keep them contained and manageable. But you’ll never hear about any of this, will you? No. Why let the dirty work that goes down in these campus labs get in the way of the positive spin. Meanwhile, the bacterial residue from all these genetic modifications has a better-than-average chance of worming its way into your gut.
I know I’ve gone on a rant here, but what’s set me off is the recent appointment of a Big Agra litigator to run the FDA. His name is Michael Taylor. Go ahead and google him. Leading off his resume is the fact that he was the leading lawyer for Monsanto Corporation. This is the same dude who cleared the way for Bovine Growth Hormone (rGBH) to be administered to dairy cows throughout the U.S. You know how many other countries allow their cows to be shot up with rGBH? Who deem it safe? Name one, I’m all ears.
I’m looking for those among you who refuse to be led to the trough, who refuse to be part of the herd of unconscious humans grazing themselves into a taste-addictive stupor, paying no mind toward their rapidly diminishing immune system that will soon reach a bio-cellular tipping point – after which they’ll face an endless maze of maladies: cancer, diabetes, congestive heart failure…
Yeah, I know – time is short, your funds are tight, and “organic” is just another word for expensive. Still, there are those among you who have summoned enough awareness, enough respect for your biological vessel to seek better options – like joining a food co-op, buying from a family farm, or even growing your own in a community garden.
FYI: there’s a word from your alphabet that defines one of the more subtle and sinister offshoots of “The Program.” It’s a debilitator called LETHARGY… a virus that feeds on ingested toxins and low self-esteem.
The good news is The Unifiers left you the ways and means to transcend this genetic malware. Maybe even erase it.
Awareness is a good start.
Taking action, even better.