I’m going to let you in on some of the skullduggery I’ve been engaged in lately…
The clean-up of all these rooms and labs in the Neuro-Sci Department has little to do with my mop or broom. The truth is, I’ve had this building put on my maintenance schedule so that I can a) redirect the research, b) alter the data, c) leave an insightful note or two on the desk of a resident genius, and d) observe, and volley back through the vortex any news of progress to The Unifiers.
The goal? To keep these surprisingly capable Neuroscientists and their graduate students energized and focused on brain studies that will unmask The Enslavement Program hidden in the dark matter of your DNA.
True, my mission protocol does require some digital hacking and handwriting forgery, but rather than waste time defending my actions I’ll just throw down the caveat that “spontaneous justification” is the new “conscientious objection” and leave it at that.
All right, as long as I’m in here, let’s talk about your brain for a moment (as opposed to mine). Let me ask you this: do you really think that soggy 1500-G lump of neuroplasticity tucked inside your cranium is solely responsible for your ability to think, feel, imagine and emote? Or could there be something more at play here?
Something tied to consciousness, perhaps?
There isn’t a brain specialist who can tell you how the brain produces consciousness. However, thanks to recent breakthroughs, they now have a solid theory as to how the brain produces thought patterns – you know, those mind loops that run your life for better or for worse?
Case in point: inside the walls of this Auditory Encoding Lab, a team is currently honing in on an area of your brain known as the ESO – the left temporal lobe. More specifically, they are analyzing the strange electrical activity found in the Superior Temporal Gyrus. They believe this is the area where the brain encodes speech. Even better – where the brain encodes thoughts.
The Unifiers have encouraged me to continue my little campaign of progressive manipulation and steer these brainiacs toward finding a grouping of encoded cerebral transmissions that will prove the existence of a Neuro-Ego Confluence.
I.E. – reveal the sub-atomic spine of The Program.
Put simply, human thinking has a sound that goes beyond words. Therefore, it has a wavelength. That said, a large part of your species salvation is in the hands of those scientists who can find the ways and means of translating cognitive wavelengths AND the method in which the brain encodes speech. If they can accomplish that, then they will be on the right track toward unraveling the source code behind your inner voice.
You know the one I’m talking about…
The one that keeps whispering that subversive chant “You’re not enough.”
The one that keeps you looking over the fence, wishing for what another has got.
The one that can talk you into hate, and talk you out of love.
A voice of dark intention embedded eons ago into the Body Human, designed to insure that history will repeat itself.