Looking back: September 23, 2017
Rumor had it that the 23rd of September, 2017, was supposed be the end of the world.
This wager was based on an ancient prophecy found in The Book of Revelations. The passage or verse describes a sign in the Heavens as a metaphor for The Virgin Mary going through the agony of childbirth with the moon at her feet and a crown of twelve stars around her head.
That biblical descriptor fit the current astronomical positions of the moon being in Virgo (ala, the Virgin) and twelve stars in Leo lurking above on that particular date. The added wrinkle was the presence of the planets Venus, Mars and Mercury going along for the ride.
Well, it can be argued that prophecies only carry as much weight as we’re willing to attach to them. So, from a Custodial perspective, I think the best thing for you to do is detach yourselves from all the fearmongering surrounding any doomsday prophecy and look at them as an opportunity to turn inward and ask yourself a basic question:
Since I’m someone who cleans up after you day-in and day-out, allow me to throw out 23 suggestions. Consider them short vacations from The Program.
Take 23 thought-free breaths.
Take 23 barefoot steps on the bare earth (sand, dirt, grass).
Take 23 minutes to stare at a lit candle in a darkened room.
Take 23-dollar bills and pass them out to the homeless, a starving student, whomever…
Take 23 minutes to stretch, feeling every muscle, every cell, every exhale.
Pet any animal within reach 23 times.
Think of 23 people who have done you wrong and offer them forgiveness.
Think of 23 people whom you have wronged and ask for their forgiveness.
Tell yourself 23 times - "I am enough."
Onward, Dear Human!
Take 23 thought-free breaths.
Take 23 barefoot steps on the bare earth (sand, dirt, grass).
Take 23 minutes to stare at a lit candle in a darkened room.
Take 23-dollar bills and pass them out to the homeless, a starving student, whomever…
Take 23 minutes to stretch, feeling every muscle, every cell, every exhale.
Pet any animal within reach 23 times.
Think of 23 people who have done you wrong and offer them forgiveness.
Think of 23 people whom you have wronged and ask for their forgiveness.
Think of 23 people who are no longer an active part of your life and wish them well.
Think of 23 people you wish to God were not in your life (or in positions of power) and send them a kind thought.
Do 23 focused chores, from menial to major.
Do 23 push-ups, even if your strength is pathetic and your form is for shit.
Do 23 sit-ups, even if you belly fat gets in the way.
Read 23 lines of Rumi.
Read 23 lines of Rilke.
Read Psalm 23.
Listen to 23 songs you haven’t heard in years.
Take 23 sips of something delicious. Savor it.
Take a whiff of 23 natural offerings from Mother Earth (flowers, herbs, fruits, foods, essential oils) and savor their aroma.
Text 23 kind words to your beloved. If you don’t have a beloved, text your mother or father. If your parents are no longer around, then text an offspring or friend that you truly value. *Note: if you don’t have a beloved, a child, a friend, or any family – text yourself.
Spend the next 23 hours disengaged from TV and social media.
Spend the next 23 hours avoiding judgement.
Spend the next 23 hours working on your smile. Hell, you didn’t ask for the end of the world, but at least you can be thankful for the experience.
Try to remember – your natural state is pure consciousness. Energy made manifest. You will move on to the next chapter. Hopefully, freed from The Program.
See ya tomorrow.