His name is JEREMIAH — an “undeclared” sophomore, busboy and surfer whose parents remind him on a weekly basis how much time and money they’ve sacrificed to get him into this University. It only gets worse when they remind him how much faith they have in him.
Note to self (Yourself): whenever you allow faith to become perverted into expectation you’re experiencing another subversive distortion, courtesy of your embedded malware.
Now I’ve done several sweeps around Jeremiah’s vibrational perimeter and I’ve concluded that this young man still has enough quantum light left in him to FEEL the constant neuro-manic manipulation between his fears and his desires — to intrinsically know that something not of this earth is firing through his synapses – something hellbent on enslaving and inevitably killing him.
Point in fact: Jeremiah’s consciousness has reached a level of mortal combat you won’t find in any video game. He is learning the hard way that there is no app on the digital plane, no emotional ploy at his disposal that will free him from THE PROGRAM.
Ironic, isn’t it — that he’s never felt more alive now that he’s ready to die?
Suicidal tendencies are a clear sign that a neuro-chemical war is taking place between you (the authentic you) and The Program. Adding to this descending paralysis are the constant mortar lobs of inane, insane, digitized texts, tweets, material enticements and InYourFaceSpace social expectations that push some of you into full retreat… to cower in your emotional bunker.